
目前显示的是 七月, 2011的博文


公安部多省区联手成功摧毁两特大拐卖儿童犯罪团伙 : "中广网北京7月26日消息(记者黄少焕)据中国之声《新闻和报纸摘要》报道,经过近6个月 的缜密侦查,公安部统一指挥,14省区公安机关联手作战、破获了两起特大拐卖儿童 ...


90个拐骗操纵新疆未成年人犯罪团伙被端 : "亚心网讯(记者姚丹报道)自2011年4月新疆开展“接流浪儿童回家”行动以来,公安机关已打掉拐骗、操纵新疆籍未成年违法 犯罪团伙 90个,抓获犯罪嫌疑人464人。 ...


挪威杀人狂会在五星级监狱中度过21年吗? : "令我们感兴趣的是,在没有死刑的挪威, 监狱 中会是什么样子的呢?下面就带大家一起来欣赏一下。 挪威的五星级 监狱 ——哈尔登 监狱 (挪威语:Halden fengsel)是一座位于挪威的 监狱 ,也是全欧洲最现代化、最人道的 ...


第五节民事权利与民事责任讲义 : "第五节 民事权利 与民事责任 该节内容是以往教材债权、人身权以及民事责任的整合结果。 在以往的考试中,考点集中在债的分类上。 一、 民事权利 【熟悉】 (一)概念(略) ...


申请教育资助的贫困生请抓紧时间了_华商网 : "“娃的学费终于解决了,我终于可以长出一口气了。”昨日上午,从西安市副市长朱智生手中 接过7000元教育资助款,被西安理工大学通讯工程专业提前录取 的贫困 生李佳宜的家长 ...


河南累计报告艾滋病毒感染者3.5万人-新闻导读-生物秀知道 : "全部感染者中,既往有偿供血者占四分之三以上;男性感染者18983人,女性感染者16249人 ,男女比例约为1.17;…… 点此阅读全文:“河南累计报告 艾滋病毒 感染者3.5万人”>>> ...


哪些药物夏天服用易中暑--中暑常识--寻医问药不孕不育科频道 : "到了夏天由于天气炎热,很容易中暑,大家都会注意避暑,对于正在服用某些 药物 的人来说 ,则更为重要。最先研究发现,有些病患日常服用的 药物 ,有一部分是能引发病患中暑 ...


意大利监狱禁黑手党囚犯穿名牌衣戴珠宝炫富__中国青年网 : "意大利监狱禁 黑手党 囚犯穿名牌衣戴珠宝炫富__中国青年网. ... [核心提示]意大利一名新 上任的女监狱长下令,严厉打击被关押的 黑手党 囚犯在狱中也穿着名牌服装,以免炫耀 ...


被判死刑的原副市长许迈永与杭州地产十年 : " 原杭州市副市长许迈永7月19日上午被执行 死刑 。(东方IC/图) “大哥被抓的两年多,从开庭到判决,一直像生活在梦里,常常神情恍惚。”许迈永的盲人三弟许立勇说。从许迈永被判 死刑 以来,他曾东奔西走数月,先后 ... 南方报业 "


酒精肝饮食上应注意哪些问题_天津肝病治疗网 : "对于 酒精 肝饮食上应注意哪些问题呢? 酒精 肝大多是由于过量饮酒造成的,所以在 酒精 肝 饮食上应注意哪些问题上首要的就是戒酒,然后就是多吃些新鲜的水果和蔬菜, ...


锦囊:中医治病以“和”为贵 : "在抗生素代代升级却赶不上致病微生物变异繁殖速度的今天,人类面临的是诸如流感病毒、乙肝病毒、SARS病毒、 艾滋病毒 、手足口病毒(肠道病毒)等致病微生物在向人类疯狂地 ... "


焦作监狱深入开展主题教育实践活动成效显著-人民网河南频道 : "人民网郑州7月26日电 近日,焦作 监狱 开展“发扬传统坚定信念执法为民”主题教育实践活动 。以高度的政治责任感、良好的精神状态和务实的工作措施,突出重点、把握环节, ...

江西推进城乡养老保险试点让老年人过上幸福生活- 新闻频道- 华龙网

江西推进城乡养老保险试点让老年人过上幸福生活- 新闻频道- 华龙网 : "7月27日,江西省城镇居民社会养老保险试点部署暨新型农村社会养老保险扩大试点工作 会议在南昌召开。省委副书记、代省长鹿心社出席会议并讲话,他强调,全省各地、各 ...

Missing Pieces: China, Genetics and Development, and More

Missing Pieces: China, Genetics and Development, and More : " Poverty and State Failure: An article in this week's Economist explores a counter-intuitive trend: not all failed or fragile states are extremely poor. Instead, a group of countries has reached middle-income status while remaining atrociously governed. ... Council on Foreign Relations (blog) "

Missing Pieces: China, Genetics and Development, and More

Missing Pieces: China, Genetics and Development, and More : " Poverty and State Failure: An article in this week's Economist explores a counter-intuitive trend: not all failed or fragile states are extremely poor. Instead, a group of countries has reached middle-income status while remaining atrociously governed. ... Council on Foreign Relations (blog) "

Taiwan Students Need to Step Out of Comfort Zone: Academic

Taiwan Students Need to Step Out of Comfort Zone: Academic : " Taipei , July 29 (CNA)The younger generation in Taiwan today is too comfortable in their small world and must connect with the larger world, a scholar said. Frederick Hsia made his remarks in his article "Blue and Gray", which was carried in a recent ... Focus Taiwan News Channel "

Locke Confirmed as US Ambassador to China

Locke Confirmed as US Ambassador to China : "He also promised to raise concerns about China's human rights record. He said he had “vigorous disagreement” with China over the issue of human rights, including China's crackdown on journalists, lawyers, bloggers, artists and religious groups. 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) EN - ASIA | English

China extends journalist's jail sentence

China extends journalist's jail sentence : "Qi Chonghuai, a veteran journalist who once wrote for the China Work Safety Production News, was sentenced to an extra eight years in jail after pledging to continue his anti-corruption campaign, Human Rights in China reported. ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) EN - ASIA | English

Way out of the poverty trap

Way out of the poverty trap : "India, for instance, enjoyed a 7% to 8% economic growth during the past decade and pulled 100-million people out of poverty . Think about that -- 100-million people in 10 years. There's a powerful lesson in that for us. The story in China is the same, ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) EN - ASIA | English

Taipei Arts Festival kicks off at Songshan park

Taipei Arts Festival kicks off at Songshan park : " The Taipei -based Puppet and Its Double Theater group performs at the July 28 launch event of Taipei Arts Festival. (Courtesy of Taipei City Government) By June Tsai The Taipei Arts Festival, featuring an eclectic program of dance, music and theater ... Taiwan Today "

Taipei 101 awarded as world's tallest green building

Taipei 101 awarded as world's tallest green building : "World's tallest building Taipei 101 held a press conference on July 28 and was awarded by Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED) President Mark MacCracken given the award to Taipei 101 chairman Lin Hongming the highest platinum level of ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) EN - ASIA | English

Ethiopia and Utopia in 2023

Ethiopia and Utopia in 2023 : "When Meles Zenawi officially announced the war on poverty in the early 1990s, patriotic Ethiopians had the immense confidence that he would achieve his goals at ease. After all, this announcement was made by a veteran warrior who had led a ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) EN - ASIA | English

12 govt agencies lag to release spending data

12 govt agencies lag to release spending data : " On the other end, the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development, a department responsible for alleviating poverty in rural China, spent 1.45 million yuan on the three items this past year. The recent releases of such ... China Daily "

China is on the fast train to disaster

China is on the fast train to disaster : " And yet China is becoming a model for capitalism. It sure as hell ain't a free market, but whatever it has has lifted one helluva lot more people out of poverty than Communism ever did. Which is not to say that China is not governed by an authoritarian ... The Guardian "

北京老年人5年内占比将达23% 鼓励外资参与养老社会_我爱放牛_解放牛网

北京老年人5年内占比将达23% 鼓励外资参与养老社会_我爱放牛_解放牛网 : "(记者 杜燕) 北京人口老龄化发展之快前所未有,北京市民政局局长吴世民在22日举行的 北京市养老工作大会上透露,到2015年底,北京市户籍 老年人 将达320万,占户籍人口 ...


酒精肝传染性_专家回复_好大夫在线 : " 酒精 肝传染性. 酒精 肝肝硬化引发食道静脉血管破裂. 提问: 酒精 肝肝硬化引发食道静脉 血管破裂 所患疾病: 酒精 肝肝硬化 问: 食道静脉血管破裂 ...


350份问卷揭示老年人理财现状--财经 : "解读:有三分之二的 老年人 退休后,资金主要来源是退休金,每月收入稳定,生活品质较高 ,自然也成为了投资理财的主要受众群体。与此同时,退休后发挥余热拥有稳定工资 ...

绿茶成分可降低艾滋病毒传染性 生物新闻 易生物

绿茶成分可降低艾滋病毒传染性 生物新闻 易生物 : "德国 病毒 学家最近证实,绿茶中的一种活性成分在高浓度状态下能明显降低I型艾滋病 病毒 的传染性,研究者对这种活性成分的防 病毒 机理提出了解释。 据德国媒体18日报道, ...

废除一党一胎=就是尊重人权的第一步! - 宁静世界...奇丽想象! - udn博客

废除一党一胎=就是尊重人权的第一步! - 宁静世界...奇丽想象! - udn博客 : "中国大陆的人=不是没感觉~~~而是被共产党残杀 人权 +残杀人性尊严之后=必然的保护感情的 方式! ... 所以今天要谈=中国大陆的人性尊严+ 人权 ...就该从废除一党一胎做起. ...


实拍中朝边境的朝鲜女子监狱_网易论坛 : "(/44)(共44张)2011-07-27 15:31. 其实,很少有国家没有 监狱 。只是眼前的 监狱 有两 个亮点:一个亮点它是女子 监狱 ;再个亮点它是朝鲜的 监狱 。 ...


挪威嫌犯或入“最人道”豪华监狱如酒店标准间_新华网 : "被称为“世界上最人道”的哈尔登 监狱 ,位于奥斯陆近郊,图为该 监狱 的外观。 案件嫌犯 布雷维克在首次出庭时,对两次凶案供认不讳,但否认对他的恐怖袭击指控。 ...


无家可归的家庭数正在上升 一家当地的救助机构表示,虽然他们一直在努力地帮助那些 无家可归 者找到住处,但是前来 申请救济收容的家庭数却在持续上升,已经达.

台针头毒瘾者 染B肝全球第4

台针头毒瘾者 染B肝全球第4 法新社巴黎28日电) 最新研究显示,全球首度估算B型肝炎(HBV)与C型肝炎(HCV)两种肝炎感染率发现,注射 非法药物 族群中,有1000万人感染C肝、120万人感染B肝。 研究人员疾呼,两种肝炎都会耗弱人体、有潜在 ...

希瑟将与女同性恋人完婚 婚后收养小孩(图)

希瑟将与女同性恋人完婚 婚后收养小孩(图) : "据美国媒体报道,美国女星、曾出演过《人皮客栈II(HostelII)》的希瑟·马特拉佐(HeatherMatarazzo)即将与 同性 恋人结婚,而早在两年前她们就曾打算注册结婚,只可惜当时的法律并不允许。 28岁的希瑟·马特拉佐已经 ...

男子醉驾拘役3个月 曾竖中指对记者表不满(图)

男子醉驾拘役3个月 曾竖中指对记者表不满(图) : "经检测,曾某 酒精 测试结果为225.4mg/100ml(每一百毫升血液中 酒精 含量达到225.4毫克)。最终,医院抽血测试结果显示曾某的血液 酒精 含量为176mg/100ml(每一百毫升血液中 酒精 含量达到176毫克)属醉酒驾驶。 ...

中山慈善骗局 披慈善外衣大卖万元"特效药"

中山慈善骗局 披慈善外衣大卖万元"特效药" : " 据了解,该组织之前在广西已被查处,被当成 非法 组织取缔。 自称慈善资助是ICU-S提供药品给捐助对象,其中一项是10993元,银卡救助对象可获1000元现金,意味着要实付9993元。 如果你是名心血管病患者,某天 ... 南方报业 "

Prices increase as Greater Taipei housing deals drop

Prices increase as Greater Taipei housing deals drop : "By Crystal Hsu / Staff Reporter Presale and new home transactions declined sharply in Greater Taipei last quarter, but prices climbed to new heights on the back of demand for an inflation hedge after speculators fled the market, a report released ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) EN - ASIA | English

India Struggles to Bridge Economic Gap

India Struggles to Bridge Economic Gap : "But many consider the job only partially complete and say the South Asian country needs to bridge the gap between a prosperous middle class and the millions of people who still grapple with poverty . Dramatic shift Rajeev Nanda, a software professional, ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) EN - ASIA | English

Jobs Top Priority for Likely 2012 Voters, Group's Survey Finds

Jobs Top Priority for Likely 2012 Voters, Group's Survey Finds : "The two consulting groups advised manufacturers to pursue their political goals with messages focused on American pride in making things rather than on statements about tax policy or human - rights abuses in China , the world's fastest-growing economy. ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) EN - ASIA | English

The Culture of Poverty in China Rural Area: The Cases in Junxi Village

The Culture of Poverty in China Rural Area: The Cases in Junxi Village : "hypothesis of “poverty cycle”4 applied in almost every Chinese paper is still .... poverty, the culture perspective in former Chinese poverty studies is ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) EN - ASIA | English

China intends to raise poverty line | Best Financial Advice ...

China intends to raise poverty line | Best Financial Advice ... : "of the State Council Leading Group for Poverty Alleviation and Development, deputy head of the Poverty Reduction Office, Xiaojian: poverty line. 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) EN - ASIA | English

China and Pakistan must vacate UN-declared disputed region of Gilgit Baltistan

China and Pakistan must vacate UN-declared disputed region of Gilgit Baltistan The worsening human rights situation of the indigenous people in Gilgit-Baltistan is a serious cause of concern and effective protection and promotion of their rights is urgently required. Gilgit-Baltistan is home to more than one million people who ...

Massive Human Trafficking Crackdown in China: 369 Arrested, Dozens of Children ..

Massive Human Trafficking Crackdown in China: 369 Arrested, Dozens of Children .. It has been alleged by human rights advocates that China's black market sale of human beings thrives in a society where a large segment of the population still lives under the poverty line, and where the traditional cultural norm is for families to ...

Avoiding widespread long-term poverty

Avoiding widespread long-term poverty : " ... into hopeless long-term poverty . When upheaval reigns across the world it's tempting for countries to be protectionist and build barriers to world trade. How many times have we listened to claims that it's Chinese slave labour that's the problem. ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) EN - ASIA | English

IFAD praises small-scale female farmers

IFAD praises small-scale female farmers : "By Lou Yi (chinadaily.com.cn) Small-scale farmers, especially the female ones, are vital to the future of China's food security and poverty reduction. That's according to the president of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) EN - ASIA | English


气管插管抢救急性酒精中毒呼吸麻痹2例_中国糖尿病康复中心 : " 酒精 致死浓度2单用苯巴比妥和 酒精 时,其致死浓度分别为10~29mg和500~800m8如果二者合用 ,其致死血浓度苯巴比妥仅为b5rag%, 酒精 为10omg由此可见,服用苯巴比妥时饮酒是相当 ...


最高法院:不会判赖昌星死刑承诺必守_星岛新闻_大陆 : "最高法院:不会判赖昌星 死刑 承诺必守,据悉,自从查处赖昌星案件以来,先後有30多人 投案自首,其中大部分都是从国外或者境外回来投案自首的。资料显示,赖昌星的弟弟赖 ...


亲戚、老乡组成犯罪团伙制造假币获利180万元 : "亲戚、老乡组成 犯罪团伙 制造假币获利180万元宣判现场,主犯肖桂宏被判处死刑。 前来听 判的家属失声哭泣。 主犯被判死刑称愧疚牵连了弟弟东莞1.6亿元特大制造假币案昨 ...

每日小笑话:犯罪团伙的两难处境- 日志- monsoon - SNS游戏交友网

每日小笑话:犯罪团伙的两难处境- 日志- monsoon - SNS游戏交友网 : "五元钱被 犯罪团伙 绑架了,他们打电话给百元钞:“喂!你儿子在我们手里,不想我们撕票 就用自己换他!” 百元钞票想了一下说:“撕吧,撕了你们连五块钱都没有了!” ...


北京交出的是科学发展的完美答卷 : " 北京市 今年上半年GDP增速8%,增速比往年明显放缓,在全国省区市中也“敬陪末座”。消息传来,议论纷起,如何看待这件事儿呢?笔者认为,这是 北京市 的大手笔,写就的一篇大文章,是在贯彻落实科学发展观上交出的一份 ...


公安部成功摧毁两个特大拐卖儿童犯罪团伙_网易新闻中心 : "公安部成功摧毁两个特大拐卖儿童 犯罪团伙 ,公安部拐卖团伙.

墨西哥一座监狱发生囚犯枪战17人死亡高清组图 新闻 国际在线

墨西哥一座监狱发生囚犯枪战17人死亡高清组图 新闻 国际在线 : "墨西哥一座 监狱 发生囚犯枪战17人死亡(高清组图) ... 2011年7月26日墨西哥华雷斯囚犯的家属撞击 监狱 大门要求获取信息25日晚间这座 监狱 发生枪战17人死亡人民图片Fotomore ...


意大利的入狱罪犯们被禁止穿着设计师服装 : " 在这里,关系好的 黑手党 成员们不仅可以享受到美食,还可以穿着高档的设计师服装。Michele Catalano甚至可以在狱中享受到龙虾和香槟的生日大餐,更有甚者在监狱的教堂中为自己的女儿举行了婚礼。 ... 和讯网 "

厦门两名醉驾者今起蹲大牢 另有17人移送检察院起诉

厦门两名醉驾者今起蹲大牢 另有17人移送检察院起诉 : "交警到场后,发现其醉酒驾驶,酒测显示,血液 酒精 含量为每百毫升186mg,为严重酒醉驾驶。牟吉喆被判处拘役两个月,罚金1000元。 另一犯罪人范大龙,今年5月28日凌晨,驾驶无牌摩托行驶在莲岳路时发生单方交通 ...


同性婚姻合法85岁老太娶77岁同性恋人(视频)_中国经济网——国家经济门户 : "美国纽约州 同性 婚姻合法85岁老太迎娶77岁恋人当地时间24日,美国纽约州同性恋合法化 法案正式生效,纽约的婚姻登记部门打破周日不办公的惯例,为首批同性恋新人敞开了 ...

女星希瑟将与同性恋人结婚 婚后或各自生孩子

女星希瑟将与同性恋人结婚 婚后或各自生孩子 : " 据美国媒体报道,美国女星、曾出演过《人皮客栈II(Hostel II)》的希瑟·马特拉佐(Heather Matarazzo)即将与 同性 恋人结婚,而早在两年前她们就曾打算注册结婚,只可惜当时的法律并不允许。 ... 腾讯网 "

City offers to turn dog poo into gold

City offers to turn dog poo into gold : " TAIPEI (Reuters) - A city in northern Taiwan is trying the Midas touch to persuade reluctant residents to clean up after their canines: offering a chance to win gold bars to anyone handing in bags of doggy deposits. Starting from August 1, ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) EN - ASIA | English

Committee green lights expropriation

Committee green lights expropriation : "By Loa Iok-sin / Staff Reporter People who live near where the government plans to build the Airport MRT's A7 station demonstrate yesterday outside the Ministry of the Interior in Taipei against the seizure and auctioning off of their land. ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) EN - ASIA | English

US Senate confirms Locke as China ambassador

US Senate confirms Locke as China ambassador Locke, whose grandfather came from China to the United States on a steamboat, promised during his smooth confirmation hearings to be a forceful advocate for human rights and for US businesses. The new envoy, 61, succeeds Republican former Utah governor ...

Lai Changxing and the Erosion of Canadian Values

Lai Changxing and the Erosion of Canadian Values : "The UN Rapporteur on Torture, Amnesty International, Human Rights in China , Human Rights Watch, Human Rights Without Borders, and Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada have all established that torture is endemic in the Chinese criminal “justice” system. ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) EN - ASIA | English

Skipper wanted to be buried at home

Skipper wanted to be buried at home : " ... left, and Wu Tien Li-shuo, a daughter and the widow of Wu Lai-yu, a Taiwanese fishing vessel captain who was killed during a US attack on pirates that had hijacked his ship, ask the US to apologize at a press conference in Taipei on Tuesday. ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) EN - ASIA | English

US Default: Sovereign And Local Government Debt Defaults Extremely Rare

US Default: Sovereign And Local Government Debt Defaults Extremely Rare : " By SUSANNA KIM Residents in West Kingston, Jamaica, face poverty on a daily basis. Jamaica is one of only eight sovereign countries to default since the mid 1990s. (Steven L. Raymer/National Geographic/Getty Images) While legislators describe the ... ABC News "

India Named World's Most Depressed Nation

India Named World's Most Depressed Nation : "India with its extreme poverty and more malnourishment than the entire African continent combined – recorded the highest rate of major depression in the world, at 36 per cent. It is said to be going through unprecedented social and economic change ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) EN - ASIA | English

'They can deliver health services to the needy'

'They can deliver health services to the needy' : "Ghosh added that India cannot overcome China's prosperity despite its high GDP rate, until the poverty index is reduced. "The poverty index in China is at 8% whereas in India it is 34%. Though our 8% GDP growth is encouraging, China continues to march ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) EN - ASIA | English

India slips to 14th spot in global FDI inflows

India slips to 14th spot in global FDI inflows : " This means even wealthy tribals would come under the ambit of poverty .That is what makes the numbers look so huge.actual poverty is much lesser.Besides the poor in China want to work their as s out and put food on the plates of their family,send their ... MSN India "

The Uyghurs, China and Central Asia

The Uyghurs, China and Central Asia The growing bonds between Central Asian states and China have a human - rights cost for Uyghurs across the region. By Henryk Szadziewski for openDemocracy The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is one of those international bodies whose proclaimed ...

“China's presence in Africa is sincerely acknowledged by Africans” Ambassador GU

“China's presence in Africa is sincerely acknowledged by Africans” Ambassador GU : " Q: What good experience could Ethiopia learn from China ? Ambassador Gu Xiaojie - I think we can learn each other. China of course has achieved huge progress or success in poverty alleviation in the past three decades. We have lifted hundreds of ... Walta Information Center (blog) "

Chinese human rights aren't so bad

Chinese human rights aren't so bad : "Contrary to the positions taken in your editorial (RE: "Knowing when to take a stand," July 20) and article (RE: " China strategy needed to confront human rights ," July 20), it seems wiser for Canadians to stop harping on about human rights in other ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) EN - ASIA | English


14省区联手破获两起特大拐卖儿童团伙案_网易新闻中心 : "核心提示经过近6个月的缜密侦查7月15日20日公安部统一指挥广西广东河北福建云南等14省区公安机关联手作战相继破获了近年来罕见的两起特大拐卖儿童 犯罪团伙 案摧毁了两个 ...

【社会人文】全球3300多万人感染艾滋病病毒- 医药生命科学动态跟踪 ...

【社会人文】全球3300多万人感染艾滋病病毒- 医药生命科学动态跟踪 ... : "7月20日,国际艾滋病大会在意大利罗马闭幕。为期4天的会议汇集了世界各国的艾滋病专家 、学者及医护人员大约6000人。这次会议为全球艾滋病防治工作开启了一些新的途径, ...


《瞭望》:首都边上的贫困县 : "大多数 贫困 乡村位于高寒地带和深山区,自然条件恶劣。据河北省扶贫办调查,位于首都 周边的这25个 贫困 县,主要特点可以用八个字概括:石化、高寒、干旱、少田。 ...


美揭示打击国际组织犯罪措施 (法新社华盛顿25日电) 美国今天公布一系列严厉制裁措施,以打击国际有组织犯罪集团,包括来自俄罗斯、日本和墨西哥的帮派及义大利 黑手党 。 白宫说,经济制裁的目标包括日本黑社会山口组(Yakuza)、义大利 ...


保定市接连摧毁特大涉爆犯罪团伙_法律法规_资讯_中国烟花爆竹交易网 : "市公安机关接连摧毁特大涉爆 犯罪团伙 ,截至目前,共收缴炸药45.28吨,抓获各类涉爆犯罪 嫌疑人49名,破获涉爆案件25起。

同性婚姻反对者起诉欲推翻纽约州法- 美国中文网

同性婚姻反对者起诉欲推翻纽约州法- 美国中文网 : "来自密西西比的同性恋者在纽约曼哈顿结婚。美国中文网报道:虽然纽约的同性恋者们自昨 (7月24)日起能如愿以偿地喜结连理,但是纽约 同性 婚姻法的反对者和支持者们的 ...


糖尿病药物可以预防不孕 : "糖尿病 药物 可以预防不孕 8岁的小萝莉们不需要担心自己的生育能力。 ... 研究表明, 那些有较大风险患不孕症的8岁萝莉,吃了四年的糖尿病 药物 二甲双胍之后,发病率大大 ...


老人夏天需提防情感障碍_雅虎健康 : "核心提示:在炎热的夏天,大约有10%的人会出现情绪、心理和行为异常,尤其是中 老年人 。为此,医学保健专家提醒中 老年人 ――夏天须防情感障碍。中 老年人 夏季情感障碍症 ...


菲律宾民众示威要求变革社会 : "在马尼拉地区奎松市的Bataasn商场,示威者大声喊着口号,高举公告牌和标语,抨击政府针对劳工、 人权的 政策,以及在前总统阿罗约9年执政后依旧未有多大改善的民生。 奎松市的联邦大道上,下午5点就严禁机动车 ...


刑法的机能惩罚犯罪与保障人权并重的研究_百度文库 : "刑法的机能:惩罚犯罪与保障 人权 并重的研究- 关于探究房地产开发中的五个基本问.

香港同胞集会哀悼遇难同胞——有人权的地方才有人性的温暖- 尼古拉·特斯 ...

香港同胞集会哀悼遇难同胞——有人权的地方才有人性的温暖- 尼古拉·特斯 ... : "香港同胞集会哀悼遇难同胞——有 人权的 地方才有人性的温暖,尼古拉·特斯拉的网易博客, 国家复兴的最大标志是民族复兴,国富而民衰的复兴只能走法西斯式的道路,

致中国大陆地下教会基督徒公开信(三) - 信仰人权的个人空间- 阿波罗 ...

致中国大陆地下教会基督徒公开信(三) - 信仰人权的个人空间- 阿波罗 ... : "致中国大陆地下教会基督徒公开信(三)全国地下教会的天主教徒兄弟姊妹们: 信仰,是 我们人性生活中灵魂追求的寄托,她约束、指引我们基督徒人性生活的道德行为准则。


北京市“精心计划”上半年GDP增速倒数第一 : "据中国之声《新闻纵横》报道:北京上半年GDP增8%,低于平均增速,成了全国倒数第一。但是这次垫底是 北京市 主动占位,精心计划的结果。 为了这个倒数第一, 北京市 加大调控房地产行业力度,搬走了首钢,限制了汽车 ...

Family of killed captain demands US$3 million in compensation

Family of killed captain demands US$3 million in compensation : " Taipei , July 26 (CNA) The family of a fishing boat captain killed during a NATO anti-piracy operation met with a top American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) official Tuesday to deliver a letter of petition in which it demanded US$3 million in compensation. ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) EN - ASIA | English

HTC faces test as investors fret over slowing growth

HTC faces test as investors fret over slowing growth : " A new HTC Android-based smartphone Sensation is displayed during a news conference for the launch of the product in Taipei in this May 27, 2011 file photo. By Clare Jim and Tarmo Virki TAIPEI /HELSINKI (Reuters) - Taiwan's HTC, which rose from obscure ... Reuters "

China: Inner Mongolia: fresh protests and clashes with police, dozens injured

China: Inner Mongolia: fresh protests and clashes with police, dozens injured : " ... the return of expropriated land, in Bairin Right Banner and Sharmurun Som (Chinese: BalinYouqi and Xilanulum Sumu) July 18, although only on July 23 was news released through the Southern Mongolian Information Centre for Human Rights (Smhric). ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) EN - ASIA | English

Chinese rural study group visits Paris

Chinese rural study group visits Paris : "Since “Par-ee” (Paris) here is an old farm town, a US Department of State program entitled “ China : Rural Economic Development And Poverty Alleviation” brought seven Chinese researchers to town for three days. The visitors are Mr. Qinglin Duan, ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) EN - ASIA | English