
目前显示的是 六月, 2011的博文

调查显示英国60岁以上老人有22%使用社交网站_Web2.0 - SNS 社交网络_ ...

调查显示英国60岁以上老人有22%使用社交网站_Web2.0 - SNS 社交网络_ ... : "据美国科技博客网站AllFacebook报道,英国网站MyVoucherCodes实施的最新调查结果显示 ,22%年龄超过60岁的英国 老人 经常使用包括Facebook在内的社交网站。

景洪港边检站警地联防“EHEC”疫情2011-06-29 星期三_10东盟南亚周刊_ ...

景洪港边检站警地联防“EHEC”疫情2011-06-29 星期三_10东盟南亚周刊_ ... : "景 洪港 边防检查站在第一时间将欧美发生的疫情通报部队,并迅速收集资料,组织官兵学习 了解疫情的起源、成因及危害,加强营区、港区消毒防病,严把食品采购关和质检关, ...

关于宪兵捣毁华人最庞大犯罪团伙的看法欧浪网西班牙华文传媒集团http ...

关于宪兵捣毁华人最庞大犯罪团伙的看法欧浪网西班牙华文传媒集团http ... : "关于宪兵捣毁华人最庞大 犯罪团伙 的看法欧浪网西班牙华文传媒集团下属规模最大、栏目最全、信息量最多大型综合型网站,其中囊括在西班牙有12年历史、最具权威性《华新 ...

“醉驾入刑”两月 定罪可否设酌定标准成争论焦点

“醉驾入刑”两月 定罪可否设酌定标准成争论焦点 : "在审理此类案件的过程中,法院认定是否够罪的标准,主要就是依据被告人血液中的 酒精 含量,只要超过80mg/100ml的即认定构成犯罪。 在此类案件的审理过程中,法官们明显感觉到,由于目前对于此类犯罪在情节认定及 ...


散伙饭喝到酒精中毒毕业生的焦虑心态值得关注评论频道金融界 : "散伙饭”喝到 酒精 中毒毕业生的焦虑心态值得关注, 大四毕业的学生掩饰住脸上的悲伤,在毕业的最后几天里收拾着自己的行囊。各种各样的“毕业散伙饭”频频上演, ...

男生们,你们不能从同性婚姻推出一夫共妻的!!! - 凤琼的博文- 科学网

男生们,你们不能从同性婚姻推出一夫共妻的!!! - 凤琼的博文- 科学网 : "胡星铭同学最近在一篇博文中《既然同性恋,何不一夫多妻?》里提到纽约州same-sex marriage的合法化有三个supporting理由:(1)许多同性恋者是天生的... ,科学网.

Lady Gaga庆祝纽约同性婚姻合法新作重登首位

Lady Gaga庆祝纽约同性婚姻合法新作重登首位 : " 6月24日,美国纽约参议院投票通过了同性恋婚姻合法,成为了美国第六个承认同性恋合法化的州。Lady Gaga以及Katy Perry(凯蒂•佩里)纷纷表达了激动之情。 Lady Gaga在其微博上发表了她与歌迷庆祝时的照片,她在 ... 腾讯网 "


短讯:巴西法官批准一例同性婚姻;西雅图太空针升彩虹旗 : " 6月28日:巴西一法官批准了该国第一例 同性 婚姻。美联社6月27日报道说,巴西圣保罗州的法官Fernando Henrique Pinto 裁决两个男子的民事伴侣关系可转为婚姻关系,称这一决定是依照宪法和最高法院的判决而作出。 ... 爱白网 "


纽约州通过同性婚姻法案支持者游行狂欢_资讯频道_凤凰网 : "当地时间6月24日晚,纽约州参议员正式投票通过有关同性恋婚姻合法化的法案,这也将让 这一同性恋运动的发祥地,成为全美最大的同性恋婚姻合法化的州。


美同性恋者庆纽约州通过同性婚姻法案_雅虎资讯 : "当地时间6月24日,美国纽约州参议院以33票赞成、29票反对的投票结果通过了该法案。 人们庆祝该州参议院投票通过 同性 婚姻法案。此前,美国 同性 婚姻合法的地区还有: ...


巴西法官批准该国首例同性婚姻 : "国际在线专稿:据美国《纽约时报》6月27日报道,巴西圣保罗州法官费尔南多·恩里克·平托(Fernando Henrique Pinto)日前批准两名男子结婚成为真正的夫妻,这是巴西首例 同性 婚姻获得法庭批准。 ...

英国特工死亡案出新线索疑俄罗斯黑手党相关-视频-在线观看-激动网-中国 ...

英国特工死亡案出新线索疑俄罗斯黑手党相关-视频-在线观看-激动网-中国 ... : "英国特工死亡案出新线索疑俄罗斯 黑手党 相关视频在线观看,英国特工死亡案出新线索疑 俄罗斯 黑手党 相关来自英国安全部门的消息表明,军情六处(MI6)工作人员加雷思威廉斯 ...


考上二本以上的贫困生可申请5000元入学救助金-西部之声 : "宝鸡台消息:家庭 贫困 而且今年参加高考,最终被二本以上院校录取的宝鸡考生,可申请 获得市政府财政拨付的5000元高等教育入学救助金。 市教育局、财政局、民政局日前 ...

德州监狱举办招聘会86人出狱前找好工作- 德州社会- 德州新闻网- 德州 ...

德州监狱举办招聘会86人出狱前找好工作- 德州社会- 德州新闻网- 德州 ... : "一名即将刑释的人员不无感慨地说。6月24日上午,德州 监狱 举办了刑释人员就业推介会暨 ... 上午9时,招聘会启动仪式在德州 监狱 正式拉开帷幕。据德州 监狱 教育改造科科长 ...

Sudan's leader visits China ahead of South's independence

Sudan's leader visits China ahead of South's independence : "The Sudanese president's visit to China stirred controversy -- especially among human rights groups. Amnesty International criticized China earlier this month for inviting al-Bashir to visit, saying that China will become "a safe haven for an alleged ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Indian girls persuade parents they are too young for marriage

Indian girls persuade parents they are too young for marriage : "Pande believes poverty is the main reason for child marriages. ... She cites countries like Taiwan where bold policies and heavy investment in education and ... "

Lady Gaga and entourage will cruise around Taiwan in style

Lady Gaga and entourage will cruise around Taiwan in style : " Taipei , June 29 (CNA) During pop diva Lady Gaga's stay in Taiwan later this week, she and her 50-man creative team will ride in a fleet of luxury vehicles, including one worth over NT$8.6 million (US$300000), local media reported Wednesday. ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

The uncomfortable reality of development

The uncomfortable reality of development : "The two countries that have won plenty of plaudits from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank for lifting millions out of poverty are China and Vietnam. China lifted more than 600 million people out of poverty between 1981 and 2004. ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Taiwan exports to mainland booming a year after ECFA

Taiwan exports to mainland booming a year after ECFA : "by Xinhua writers Fu Shuangqi, Zhang Yong TAIPEI , June 29 (Xinhua) -- A year after a cross-Strait economic pact was secured, Taiwan's exports to the Chinese mainland are booming and the island anticipates follow-up trade and investment agreements. ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

As China Communist Party turns 90, a debate erupts

As China Communist Party turns 90, a debate erupts Underlying the debate is a sense that the reforms that mixed capitalism with state control and transformed China from poverty to global power have run their course, entrenching a new elite, while leaving out others. "People see that the reforms have ...

Chinese authorities say artist owes back taxes

Chinese authorities say artist owes back taxes : "Pu, a famous human rights lawyer in China , told CNN that he is currently applying to hold a hearing with the Beijing tax bureau to hear their evidence. He will call the bureau to confirm in the next three days, and hopes that the hearing will be held ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Both China and the CPC experience big changes

Both China and the CPC experience big changes : "Although the CPC has encountered a lot of obstacles in the past, he said, the Party formulated wise strategies for development, allowing millions of Chinese to pull themselves out of poverty and live a better life. After drastic changes in Soviet Union ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Diplomat says China could also learn from Africa

Diplomat says China could also learn from Africa There are NGO's in China that want to strengthen their relationships with Africa. For instance, representatives from China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation and Africa Food Fund who want to focus efforts on Africa. They have established a fund ...


美國最窮的地方竟可超乎意料的"祥和" : "從數據來看,Kiryas Joel的確是美國最窮的村子。但是,這個鄉村沒有其他貧困地區固有的特徵,比如成群的 無家可歸 者或者貧民窟。居民也沒有穿得破爛不堪,更沒有人窮得吃不上飯。這裡的犯罪率基本上是零,孩子們生活得很幸福。與之相反的是,村子裏的人住的都是帶花園的 ...

US human trafficking report: Israel has room to improve

US human trafficking report: Israel has room to improve : "The non-profit organization Physicians for Human Rights - Israel (PHR-Israel) released a statement Tuesday in response to the report. The statement says that the report reinforces the grave failures of the Israeli government to fully address and defeat ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

G20 ministers on food prices, Bolivia's seed law and a new FAO head

G20 ministers on food prices, Bolivia's seed law and a new FAO head : " Price rises in 2007-08 sparked riots across the globe and pushed millions of people back into poverty . The French agriculture minister called the action plan a "tour de force", but campaigners were less impressed with its main points. ... The Guardian "

Taiwan marks China tourism first

Taiwan marks China tourism first : " By Cindy Sui BBC News, Taipei Some 300 independent tourists have arrived in Taiwan from China - the first time in decades mainland tourists have been allowed to roam on their own. Tightly controlled tour groups have been permitted in recent years, ... BBC News "

China 'Disappeared' Lawyers and Rights Defenders Turning Silent

China 'Disappeared' Lawyers and Rights Defenders Turning Silent : "The first four attorneys above have been released, but remain under police surveillance or “soft detention” (ruanjin), according to China Human Rights Defenders (CHRD). For example, Jiang Tianyong, 40, a Beijing-based human rights lawyer, ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

On human rights, China enforces the sound of silence

On human rights, China enforces the sound of silence For the first time, China's public security budget has outstripped its military budget. Scores of human rights lawyers and bloggers have been rounded up and made to “disappear,” at least temporarily, according to Chinese human - rights groups and Amnesty ...

China: Front Line welcomes the release of human rights defender ...

China: Front Line welcomes the release of human rights defender ... : " China : Front Line welcomes the release of human rights defender and Sakharov Prize winner Hu Jia | Front Line. 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

China 'Disappeared' Lawyers and Rights Defenders Turning Silent

China 'Disappeared' Lawyers and Rights Defenders Turning Silent : "Li Xiaorong, formerly with the Institute for Philosophy & Public Policy, University of Maryland, said not to put much faith in the US- China Human Rights Dialogues. “The dialogues seem to be more to appease critics of complacency than to secure real ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

China a huge opportunity for Britain: Cameron

China a huge opportunity for Britain: Cameron : " Wen Jiabao earlier told a news conference in London: “On human rights , China and Britain should respect each other, respect the facts, treat each other as equals, engage in more co-operation than finger-pointing and resolve our differences through ... Deccan Chronicle "

Germany says it will talk trade as well as human rights with China's Wen Jiabao

Germany says it will talk trade as well as human rights with China's Wen Jiabao China is a key trading and investment partner, especially given the European debt crisis. But German officials say they will address human rights during Premier Wen Jiabao's visit. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao attends a joint news conference with ...

China's Terribly Successful Communist Party Turns 90

China's Terribly Successful Communist Party Turns 90 : " By Erich Follath and Wieland Wagner Beijing's communists are among the world's most successful capitalists, but their economic ascent is often overshadowed by its human rights violations. The Communist Party now faces a crucial test: Can it become more ... Spiegel Online "

China rebukes Cameron for pointing the finger over human rights abuses

China rebukes Cameron for pointing the finger over human rights abuses : " Photograph: China Daily/Reuters The Chinese premier, Wen Jiabao, issued a diplomatic dressing down of the British government by declaring the UK should stop "finger pointing" over human rights in discussions with Beijing. Wen also suggested the UK ... The Guardian "

China ready to work for rural women's rights

China ready to work for rural women's rights : ""Efforts should be intensified to improve school conditions in rural areas especially in poverty -stricken areas and raise enrollment of rural girls." Moreover, Han noted that historical and cultural traditions as well as religious belief of all ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Parties asked to commit to age pensions

Parties asked to commit to age pensions : "HelpAge International concentrates on helping older people claim their rights, challenge discrimination and overcome poverty in Burma, Cambodia, China , the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. According to the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Provincial tug-of-war waters down China's Yellow river success story

Provincial tug-of-war waters down China's Yellow river success story : "Allocations can make the difference between wealth and poverty . This is evident at Liang village in Henan province. Although the cornfields here are just 10km from the Yellow river and Xiaolangdi reservoir – one of China's biggest – they are drying up ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

China's Growing Reach Spans Continents

China's Growing Reach Spans Continents : "Once insular and poverty -stricken, China has flexed its military and economic might to become a global powerhouse. The country's influence now reaches far beyond Asia. NPR's Rob Gifford describes how China , and its place in the world, ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

The Communist Party of China

The Communist Party of China : "The days of poverty , weakness, and social underdevelopment have gone for good. Huge progress has been made in China's overall strength and people's livelihood. Dynamic growth has been registered in economic, cultural, educational, scientific and ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Boosting production and rural incomes should be the core of food security

Boosting production and rural incomes should be the core of food security Agricultural growth dents rural poverty directly and proportionately much more than growth in town-based activities such as industry and services. Fast growth on the farm was precisely the route that China took to bring down its poverty rate. ...

尼日利亚北部暴雨洪水夺6人命逾150人流离失所- 新聞熱點- 快樂東莞網 ...

尼日利亚北部暴雨洪水夺6人命逾150人流离失所- 新聞熱點- 快樂東莞網 ... : "中新网6月23日电据外电报道,尼日利亚局部地区近日降下暴雨,该国消防部22日表示, 至少6名民众在该国北部洪水中丧生,超过150人 无家可归 。 据报道,尼日利亚北部城市卡 ...

FDA欲全球化 中國成最大挑戰

FDA欲全球化 中國成最大挑戰 : " FDA駐中國的負責人希基(Christopher Hickey)前不久接受採訪時說﹐提到檢查﹐光是想辦法進入外國工廠可能就是件難事﹐因為FDA無權命令外國生產商為其敞開大門。雖然FDA可對拒絕接受檢查的公司給出所謂的進口預警通報(import alert)(即產品抵達美國邊境時要接受檢查)﹐但若 ... 華爾街日報 "

阿sa 發善心幫乞丐被指「不值」求助網友

阿sa 發善心幫乞丐被指「不值」求助網友 : "其實,這個問題也困擾著許多有愛心的人士,阿sa寫道:「每一次在街上看到一些身無分文的公公婆婆、 無家可歸 的媽媽帶著小孩、拿著花朵的小孩和身體不健全的人我都會去幫助他們..但每一次都會被友人罵!他們說這些人是騙錢集團利用來騙途人的.幫他們等於幫那些壞人! ...

Army veteran lands on Forbes '11 Asian philanthropists list

Army veteran lands on Forbes '11 Asian philanthropists list : " ... helping veterans' families in poverty . Honorably discharged in 1983 after serving 38 years in the Army, Hung lives alone in Hualien in eastern Taiwan , ... "

China, the US and the great global power dance

China, the US and the great global power dance : "It was years from Deng Xiaoping's “ Poverty is not socialism; ... minds off confrontations in Vietnam and Taiwan and quelled their ritual denunciations, ... "

Trade trumps human rights as Chinese premier visits

Trade trumps human rights as Chinese premier visits : "David Cameron is travelling to China tonight, amid fears that human rights concerns will be overshadowed by trade negotiations. David Cameron has made an unequivocal call for greater political freedom in China , in a speech delivered to students in ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Anger as China hosts 'fugitive' leader of Sudan

Anger as China hosts 'fugitive' leader of Sudan : "By Clifford Coonan in Beijing Sudan's president Omar al-Bashir arrives in Beijing this week, drawing the ire of human rights groups who have attacked China for playing host to the war crimes-indicted leader. On 9 July, the south of Sudan secedes from ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Outspoken Chinese activists silent after release

Outspoken Chinese activists silent after release : "Hu, 37, denounced China's human rights record in a series of articles ahead of the 2008 Beijing Olympics and was later sentenced to 3.5 years in prison for "inciting to subvert state power." Ai, the conceptual artist turned government critic, ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Prominent Chinese dissident Hu Jia released from jail: wife

Prominent Chinese dissident Hu Jia released from jail: wife : "Hu was convicted in 2008 for "inciting subversion of state power" for criticising human rights problems in China , and he was seen by some supporters as a potential recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize before it went to another jailed Chinese dissident, ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

China's springboard to American markets

China's springboard to American markets : " Costa Rica, a staunch US ally, shocked the world when it became Central America's first country to officially recognize China . When it became clear that Costa Rica would not use its new closeness to Beijing to press its leaders on human rights issues, ... GlobalPost "

A Chinese Dissident Is Freed, But He's Still Not Free

A Chinese Dissident Is Freed, But He's Still Not Free : "Activist artist Ai Weiwei speaks to journalists gathered outside his home in Beijing, China , Thursday. Ai Weiwei, the Chinese artist and human rights activist, was released from prison late Wednesday night, and told western reporters, "In legal terms, ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Hearing-impaired children's painting exhibition begins

Hearing-impaired children's painting exhibition begins : " Taipei , June 25 (CNA) A painting exhibition featuring artwork by hearing-impaired children began Saturday in Taipei and will tour the country until the end of October, a local foundation said that day. The exhibition, which showcases the work of 32 ... Focus Taiwan News Channel "

Private foundations spearhead poverty battle

Private foundations spearhead poverty battle : "That's why Bill Gates invited some of the wealthiest including those from China ,” said James. Aside from Philippines' receiving the technology on Golden Rice from Syngenta, the country is also a recipient of the technology on fruit and shoot ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Sudanese President's Plane Forced to Reroute on Way to China

Sudanese President's Plane Forced to Reroute on Way to China Turkey, Zambia and Central African Republic are among the countries that have canceled planned visits by al-Bashir, according to New York-based Human Rights Watch. The Chinese special envoy for African affairs, Liu Guijin, said on June 23 that China ...

Tibetans Slam Widespread Torture

Tibetans Slam Widespread Torture : "Tenzin Tethong said Beijing often characterized talk of human rights as economic improvement, or a political weapon in the hands of Western countries wanting to attack China . But the problem lay more with a difference in the way China carried out law ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Google sees growing struggle over web censorship

Google sees growing struggle over web censorship : "Google's friction with China resurfaced this month when it said it had broken up an effort to steal the passwords of hundreds of Google email account holders, including US government officials, Chinese human rights advocates and journalists. ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Sudan's al-Bashir goes missing on way to China

Sudan's al-Bashir goes missing on way to China The state visit has been highly controversial, with human rights groups calling upon China to either refuse al-Bashir entry or turn him over to the International Criminal Court in the Hague, which has issued an international arrest warrant for him to ...

China asks Nepal to curb Free-Tibet movement

China asks Nepal to curb Free-Tibet movement Nepal is home to around 20000 Tibetan refugees who often take to the street demanding independence of Tibet and vehemently protesting against human rights abuse by China despite stepped up security. The Nepali government has restricted all protests ...

China: Hu Jia: I will continue my struggle for human rights

China: Hu Jia: I will continue my struggle for human rights By Asia News Beijing (AsiaNews / Agencies) - Hu Jia, a prominent dissident released yesterday after 3 ½ years in prison, has announced that he "will continue the mission" of defending human rights . A one kilometre area around his home in eastern ...

China Deals 'Must Not Cost Human Rights'

China Deals 'Must Not Cost Human Rights' Economic growth and prosperity have lifted millions of people out of poverty since China reformed its economy four decades ago. A peaceful, stable, and prosperous China is in the interest of the world. At the same time, China has enormous human rights ...

Chinese free rights activist Hu Jia

Chinese free rights activist Hu Jia Mr Wen's three-nation tour is part of Beijing's bid to gain a greater foothold in Europe, whose leaders have condemned China's human rights record and this year's crackdown on dissent. Outspoken artist Ai Weiwei emerged in Beijing last week from nearly ...

Tsai asserts her nuclear stance

Tsai asserts her nuclear stance : "By Lee I-chia / Staff Reporter Democratic Progressive Party Chairperson and presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen speaks at a forum focused on nuclear power policies in Taipei yesterday. Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Chairperson and presidential ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Academics pan state of human rights in China

Academics pan state of human rights in China : "By Loa Iok-sin / Staff Reporter David Kilgour, left, a former member of the Canadian parliament, speaks at a conference on human rights in China organized by the Association for Free Communication in Taipei -yesterday. Despite economic growth ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Creating our greatest asset

Creating our greatest asset : "And amidst all this we sit in deepening poverty . What is wrong with us and our thinking? Let's look at what some other countries have learned about having a well-educated and skilled workforce. From 1958 to 1974, I lived in Japan and watched her ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Why Chinese are changing corporate scene

Why Chinese are changing corporate scene Geely's initial plans were to put up three Volvo assembly plants in China which plans met with a lot of resistance from Volvo's Swedish executives who feared their new owner was adopting an aggressive and risky approach. It's less than a year since the ...

Deadliest form of food fight

Deadliest form of food fight : " The World Bank issued a warning that 33 countries were at risk of upheaval due to rising food prices and 105 million people had been pushed back into poverty . The effects of the global financial crisis caused a temporary drop in commodity prices but ... Sydney Morning Herald "

Academics pan state of human rights in China

Academics pan state of human rights in China : "By Loa Iok-sin / Staff Reporter David Kilgour, left, a former member of the Canadian parliament, speaks at a conference on human rights in China organized by the Association for Free Communication in Taipei -yesterday. Despite economic growth ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

China's premier promotes Sino-UK trade synergies

China's premier promotes Sino-UK trade synergies : "Several dozen human rights protesters gathered outside the factory gates, including yellow-shirted supporters of the Falungong spiritual movement that's banned in China, waving placards and denouncing China's human rights record. "Cameron and Wen. ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

In pictures: China's dissidents

In pictures: China's dissidents : " His detention prompted an international outcry among artists, politicians and human rights activists, while Western leaders called it a sign of China's deteriorating human rights situation [Reuters] Liu Xiaobo (Detained), the first Chinese Nobel Peace ... Aljazeera.net "

Germany to press China on human rights and artist Ai Weiwei

Germany to press China on human rights and artist Ai Weiwei : "Germany will address human rights issues at a joint cabinet meeting with Chinese officials this week, Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said on Sunday, including the conditions of artist Ai Weiwei's release from jail. "Despite the relief that Ai ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

China frees human rights dissident Hu Jia

China frees human rights dissident Hu Jia : " Chinese human rights campaigner Hu Jia has been released from jail after serving three and a half years on subversion charges. His release comes as China s Premier Wen Jiabao begins a visit to the UK. Hu Jia was convicted in 2008 for "inciting ... Channel 4 News "

Germany to take up rights issue with Wen: minister

Germany to take up rights issue with Wen: minister : "Germany will press human rights issues at its first joint cabinet meeting with China this week, including the conditions of artist Ai Weiwei's release, Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said Sunday. He told the Welt am Sonntag newspaper that hopes for ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

First independent Chinese tourists expected to arrive from Xiamen

First independent Chinese tourists expected to arrive from Xiamen : " Taipei , June 26 (CNA) Thirteen tourists from Xiamen City in China's southeastern province of Fujian are expected to arrive in Taipei on June 28, making them the first Chinese tourists to visit Taiwan independently rather than as part of a tour group, ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English