
目前显示的是 四月, 2011的博文

華盛頓州公寓大火56人無家可歸| 華人今日網chinesedaily.com- News

華盛頓州公寓大火56人無家可歸| 華人今日網chinesedaily.com- News : "華盛頓州哈茲戴爾一棟兩層樓的公寓周四發生大火,造成一名住戶和一名消防隊員受傷送醫 ,全棟24間公寓中有20間全部燒毀,56人無 家可歸 。有關單位已經在附近教堂設置臨時 ...


奈及利亞選後動盪近4萬人無家可歸-社會新聞-yam蕃薯藤新聞 : "奈及利亞總統大選引發的流血動亂持續擴大,奈及利亞紅十字會災難處理協調員邁瑞加( UmarAbdulMairiga)今天(20日)表示,暴亂已經造成410人受傷,更導致將近4萬人無 家可歸 ...


溫市倡權組織反對關露宿者之家 : "溫哥華的倡權人士警告,如果省政府停止撥款,令到為 無家可歸 者而設的庇護中心要關閉,那麼他們就會在中心外面紮營抗議,除非省府改變初衷。 按照省政府的計劃,本周將有3個中心要關門,其中位於東端卡德奧街(Cardero St.)747號的中心會率先在周三閉,受影響的有75人。


一男子金門公園遭毆至失憶 : "警方表示,上周五的午夜時刻,一群歹徒用手槍擊打一名50歲的 無家可歸 男子,還持刀將他刺傷,並放火燒了他在公園裡的帳篷。這起攻擊事件發生在Transverse路夾Martin Luther King Jr.路的地區。 上述兩案都尚未逮獲嫌犯。 根據《觀察家報》上月報道,打算夜晚關閉金門公園 ...


日本災民患病人數激增 : " 日本公共衛生官員還說﹐他們擔心爆發流感、塵源性病原體引發的呼吸系統疾病以及老年人腿部出現血塊等﹐其中後者在活動較少的老年人中發病率很高。 一處容納 無家可歸 的病人的庇護所里﹐67歲的安倍靜子(音﹐Shizuko Abe)在幫助她73歲的丈夫義男(音﹐Yoshio)。 ... 華爾街日報 "

Diplomatic broker gets sentence increased

Diplomatic broker gets sentence increased : " Taipei , April 28 (CNA) A diplomatic broker from Singapore who is currently serving a jail term in Taiwan in connection with the embezzlement of US$30 million in Taiwanese diplomatic funds was given another three years and four months in prison Thursday ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

China to Strengthen Efforts to Alleviate Rural Poverty -- Beijing ...

China to Strengthen Efforts to Alleviate Rural Poverty -- Beijing ... : "China on Tuesday vowed to intensify efforts to alleviate poverty in rural areas over the next 10 years, in an attempt to improve Chinese citizens' quality ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Ex-president acquitted of charges of stealing diplomatic funds

Ex-president acquitted of charges of stealing diplomatic funds : " Taipei , April 28 (CNA) The Supreme Court on Thursday turned down an appeal by prosecutors against the acquittal of former President Chen Shui-bian on charges of stealing US$330000 from Taiwan's secret diplomatic funds during his time in office. ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

US dollar closes lower on Taipei forex

US dollar closes lower on Taipei forex : " Taipei , April 28 (CNA) The US dollar fell against the Taiwan dollar Thursday, dropping NT$0.14 to close at NT$28.760 as the US Federal Reserve continued to pump funds into the market, dealers said. Turnover totaled US$1.05 billion during the trading ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Compal posts 59% year-on-year fall in profit in first quarter

Compal posts 59% year-on-year fall in profit in first quarter : "By Kevin Chen / Staff Reporter Net income totaled NT$3.497 billion (US$120.8 million), or NT$0.8 earnings per share, from January to last month, the Taipei -based company said in a stock exchange filing yesterday. That compared with NT$8.52 billion ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Opposition chief Taiwan's first female presidential candidate

Opposition chief Taiwan's first female presidential candidate : " Taipei , April 27 (CNA) Tsai Ing-wen, head of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) , is set to become Taiwan's first female presidential candidate in history when she represents the DPP in the country's presidential election to be held in ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Taiwan gets first female presidential candidate

Taiwan gets first female presidential candidate TAIPEI — Taiwan's main opposition party said Wednesday it will nominate ex-vice premier Tsai Ing-wen for next year's presidential election, the first woman in Taiwan's history to run for the post. Tsai, 54, won the pro-independence Democratic ...

China to boost efforts to alleviate rural poverty

China to boost efforts to alleviate rural poverty : " BEIJING – China on Tuesday vowed to intensify efforts to alleviate poverty in rural areas over the next 10 years, in an attempt to improve Chinese citizens' quality of life and narrow the country's growing income gap. That was learned from a meeting of ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

US dollar closes lower on Taipei forex

US dollar closes lower on Taipei forex : " Taipei , April 27 (CNA) The US dollar fell against the Taiwan dollar Wednesday, shedding NT$0.039 to close at NT$28.900 on fund inflows, dealers said. Turnover totaled US$1.01 billion during the trading session. The greenback opened at the day's high of ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

China, US begin human rights talks amid crackdown

China, US begin human rights talks amid crackdown : " Beijing says its rights situation is improving and point to the economic development that has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty . In past dialogues, Chinese officials have tried to turn the tables, highlighting poverty and racial discrimination ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Taiwan missile 'can reach Beijing'

Taiwan missile 'can reach Beijing' TAIPEI — Taiwan has developed a missile capable of reaching Beijing and tested it successfully three years ago, a report said on Wednesday, citing a former defence minister. Taiwan's military successfully fired the medium-range missile in early 2008 ...

Phase one of AIT Taipei office project in Taiwan under progress

Phase one of AIT Taipei office project in Taiwan under progress Construction work is underway at the $216 million Taipei office project for The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT). Located in Taipei's eastern district of Neihu, the project will replace AIT's current 60-year-old compound in downtown Taipei . ...

China's Population is Aging Rapidly

China's Population is Aging Rapidly : " China's National Population and Family Planning Commission, which oversees the widely reviled one-child policy, says the policy has prevented 400 million births. The government credits it with helping to lift the country out of poverty and underpinning ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Taiwan Opposition Selects Presidential Candidate

Taiwan Opposition Selects Presidential Candidate : "By PAUL MOZUR TAIPEI —Taiwan's main opposition party announced that Tsai Ing-wen, a political moderate who supports economic cooperation with China, will be its candidate in presidential elections next year. Wally Santana/Associated Press Taiwan's ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Win-win solutions from a new Green Revolution

Win-win solutions from a new Green Revolution : "This is what we are seeing with the landslides in Taiwan , with seven years of ... point for addressing pressing poverty as well as climate adaptation. ... "


电影魅力-北京论坛-国际电影节主席论坛实录-搜狐娱乐 : " 北京 国际电影季正是在这样的背景下应运而生,同时也充分表达了我们与世界电影加强交流 、深化合作的良好愿望。为使 北京 国际电影季健康成长不断进步,我们迫切需要学习 ...

北京成诺基亚全球创新中心 主导WP手机开发

北京成诺基亚全球创新中心 主导WP手机开发 : "凤凰网科技讯4月27日消息,诺基亚宣布将在全球范围内合并调整研发地点和员工,将 北京 作为全球创新中心,成为S30和S40,以及Windows Phone手机的主要研发基地。 诺基亚称,在未来18个月内将扩大 北京 研发团队 ...


造假送兒上學母可能吃牢飯 : "康乃狄克州1名 無家可歸 的貧母,假冒住址為兒子辦理小學註冊,結果遭到竊盜等罪名起訴,若判有罪可能坐牢20年。 美國全國有色人種民權促進協會(NAACP)今天表示,這起引起全美輿論高度關注的事件,事實上有種族歧視之嫌,將派律師協助這位非洲裔母親爭取兒子的教育權利。 ...

China's increasing importance to Africa

China's increasing importance to Africa : "Something else that I just thought of is the fact that for all of the hype surrounding China's financial investments in African countries, there still is an overwhelming amount of poverty and sickness and political inefficiency (remember Nigeria and ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

4 die, 17 injured in New Taipei blast

4 die, 17 injured in New Taipei blast : "At least four people were killed and 17 injured in a fire and a series of powerful explosions at a plant producing paper money in Wugu, in New Taipei City , ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

China says accusations its aid to Africa aimed at resource extraction are ...

China says accusations its aid to Africa aimed at resource extraction are ... : "Fu says China has made significant sacrifices in trying to help African countries lift themselves out of poverty , including the deaths of more than 700 Chinese workers. An official report released last week says China's budgeted foreign aid swelled ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Taiwan stocks end flat; tech plays bounce

Taiwan stocks end flat; tech plays bounce : " TAIPEI , April 26 (Reuters) - Taiwan stocks ended flat on Tuesday, as a bounce in tech plays ahead of earnings announcements this week offset a retreat in banking shares after little progress was made in a meeting of regulators from Taiwan and China. ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

China says accusations its aid to Africa is aimed at resource extraction are ...

China says accusations its aid to Africa is aimed at resource extraction are ... : " ... out of poverty , including the deaths of more than 700 Chinese workers in aid projects, Vice Commerce Minister Fu Ziying told reporters. He said accusations that Beijing's foreign aid to Africa was targeted at securing resources were "nonsense. ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Fears of China outpacing American economy unjustified

Fears of China outpacing American economy unjustified : "1 ranking economically, but it will still have to deal with rampant poverty and low incomes. In a country of more than 1.3 billion people, that's no small task. And America isn't going anywhere any time soon. We will remain a powerful nation ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Australian PM begins talks with China's premier

Australian PM begins talks with China's premier : "She says China has made remarkable progress on lifting people out of poverty , but Australia is concerned that it does not take a backward step on human rights. After a 45-minute face-to-face talk between the two leaders, Mr Wen said the Australia- China ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

New Taipei to be combed for fireworks

New Taipei to be combed for fireworks : "New Taipei City will spend up to a month trying to track down all the illegal hoards of fireworks and firecrackers in the city, Mayor Chu Li-lun said yesterday. According to reports, the city's fire department will spend a month checking the city's ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Activists present ideas for improving nuclear safety

Activists present ideas for improving nuclear safety : "He reiterated that fuel rods would not be put into the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant (核四), which is under construction in New Taipei City's (新北市) Gongliao District (貢寮), unless its safety is assured. The government welcomes inspection and ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Taipei Housing Tax to Put Buyers Off

Taipei Housing Tax to Put Buyers Off : "It's expected that existing home prices in Taipei will fall for the second month in a row, marking the first two-month decline since the global financial crisis. This is due to a new housing tax deterring buyers. The average home price fell by 3.2% in ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Aid Sparks Concern

Aid Sparks Concern : "China has made significant sacrifices in trying to help African countries lift themselves out of poverty , including the deaths of more than 700 Chinese workers in aid projects, vice commerce minister Fu Ziying told a news conference in Beijing . ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

A Novel Way to Invest in China's Currency

A Novel Way to Invest in China's Currency : "By Kevin McElroy NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- While silver and gold made new highs almost on an hourly basis over the past two weeks, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) quietly released data predicting that China will become the world's largest economy ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Give foreign aid for friendship, not for profit

Give foreign aid for friendship, not for profit : "Going from a major recipient to a major donor of foreign aid, China has not only helped millions of people shake off poverty at home but also fueled the development of quite a number of developing countries over the past decades. ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

China to alleviate poverty in rural areas_PoliticsChina Economic Net

China to alleviate poverty in rural areas_PoliticsChina Economic Net : " China's poverty alleviation has helped push forward the country's economic development maintain social stability and harmony and made contributions to ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Two elderly Taiwanese likely starved to death

Two elderly Taiwanese likely starved to death : " TAIPEI - TWO elderly Taiwanese sisters found dead in their home probably starved to death, police said on Wednesday, in a case that has highlighted rising concern over care of the island's ageing population. The women, aged 77 and 79, were severely ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Why Chinese people rate their country higher?

Why Chinese people rate their country higher? : "They had tasted the bitterness of a relentless strife – nothing but poverty . By just getting rid of ideological squabbles, China was released from the shackles and its steady ascent started. However, Americans are taught to be democracy and freedom ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

HK tycoon donates for rural studies at PKU

HK tycoon donates for rural studies at PKU : " The county in central China's Hunan Province is a pilot base aiming at poverty elimination with financial aid by Kuok Foundation, Kerry Group. Mima Pianduo, the student representative and a freshman from Tibet Autonomous Region, presented hada and an ... Peking University News "

Truck suspected of setting off New Taipei City blasts - CNA ...

Truck suspected of setting off New Taipei City blasts - CNA ... : " Taipei , April 23 (CNA) A series of powerful explosions at a joss stick shop in a northern Taiwan city has left four people dead and 38 injured, New Taipei ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Chronic diseases now leading global killer: WHO

Chronic diseases now leading global killer: WHO Chinese men smoke cigarettes outside a train station in Beijing , China, Monday, Feb. 16, 2009. (AP / Andy Wong) Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease, now cause more deaths worldwide than all other diseases combined, ...

西區柏文3級火200人長周末無家可歸- 明報新聞網海外版- 加東版(多倫多 ...

西區柏文3級火200人長周末無家可歸- 明報新聞網海外版- 加東版(多倫多 ... : "【明報專訊】多倫多西區近湖濱一座柏文大廈前日(22日)發生3級火警,導致近200名住客 無法返家,其中部分要到附近中學暫住,還幸火警未有傷亡報告。 ...


奈及利亞選後動盪近4萬人無家可歸-兩岸新聞-新浪新聞中心 : "奈及利亞選後動盪近4萬人無 家可歸 . 中央廣播電台(2011-04-20 11:30). 分享| 分享至 新浪微博 分享至facebook 分享至PLURK 分享至twitter ...


北京老国展地区六只黄色虎斑小奶猫求收养 : "楼里的黄色虎斑新下的六只小奶猫,虽然是流浪猫可非常乖巧。五只黄白小猫,一只黄白黑 三花儿。小猫大概一个多月了,眼睛全睁开了,现在被邻居阿姨全部收养,可随着小猫长大 ,负担也太重了…… 有住 北京 的朋友,喜欢猫咪,可以考虑领养。 ...

Taiwan stocks gain on expected bank agreement with China

Taiwan stocks gain on expected bank agreement with China : " TAIPEI , April 25 (Reuters) - Taiwan stocks gained on Monday as investors anticipated a positive outcome from a meeting of banking regulators from Taiwan and China to set rules for cross-border business. However, Acer Inc , the world's No.2 PC vendor, ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Chinese Police Arrest Christians During Easter Services

Chinese Police Arrest Christians During Easter Services : " " Beijing has again responded with ruthless intolerance to peaceful religious activity," said Leonard Leo, the chair of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom. "The Shouwang Church tried to play by rules that the Chinese government keeps ... Care2.com (blog) "

2 sex-related businesses demolished in New Taipei

2 sex-related businesses demolished in New Taipei : "A demolition team tore down two illegal "barbershops" in New Taipei City as the local government stepped up a campaign against sex-related businesses ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Interior minister to report on New Taipei City blasts

Interior minister to report on New Taipei City blasts : " Taipei , April 25 (CNA) A legislative committee invited Interior Minister Jiang Yi-huah Monday to attend a legislative committee meeting April 27 to report on a New Taipei City blast that killed four people and injured 38 others late the previous week. ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

A Worry for Beijing That Goes Beyond Cities

A Worry for Beijing That Goes Beyond Cities : "While scores of millions of Chinese still live in poverty , the ranks of the super-rich with wealth of at least 10 million renminbi are bulging. The Hurun Wealth Report 2011 estimated their numbers at 960000; a survey by the global consultants Bain ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Teenage lovers jump from building together, killing one

Teenage lovers jump from building together, killing one : " Taipei , April 25 (CNA) A pair of young lovers jumped from a high-rise building in Taipei City Monday in an apparent double suicide, resulting in the death of the girl and serious injury of the boy. Firefighters said they received an emergency call at ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

China is now region's biggest partner

China is now region's biggest partner : "Latin America, like Rio de Janeiro's dining scene, has changed – and it is largely thanks to China . A region once known for instability has sailed through the global financial crisis. Poverty is falling, the middle classes booming, and asset markets ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

'Industrialists must benefit from Chinese technology'

'Industrialists must benefit from Chinese technology' : "He explained that it was the Chinese model to relocate industrial centers' from big cities to small areas, as it would help eliminate Poverty . He informed that China was relocating its industry besides its Educational institutions; this move needs to ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

China to strengthen efforts in poverty alleviation in rural areas

China to strengthen efforts in poverty alleviation in rural areas : " BEIJING , April 26 (Xinhua) -- China on Tuesday vowed to intensify efforts to alleviate poverty in rural areas in the next 10 years, in a bid to improve people's livelihood and narrow the wealth gap. China has made strides in poverty alleviation during ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

China's economy set to surpass US in 2016: IMF

China's economy set to surpass US in 2016: IMF : "However, many politicians argue that Beijing's technology is lagging behind and much of China continues to live in poverty . It also trails way behind the US in output per person. But there is no doubt that in the modern era, no country has come as ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

China says accusations its aid to Africa is aimed at resource extraction are ...

China says accusations its aid to Africa is aimed at resource extraction are ... : " China has made significant sacrifices in trying to help African countries lift themselves out of poverty , including the deaths of more than 700 Chinese workers in aid projects, Vice Commerce Minister Fu Ziying told reporters. He said accusations that ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

ADB says rising food prices threaten Asia's poor Taiwan News Online

ADB says rising food prices threaten Asia's poor Taiwan News Online : "Voice of the People, Bridge to the World - ADB says rising food prices threaten Asia's poor. 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

China says accusations its aid to Africa aimed at resource extraction are ...

China says accusations its aid to Africa aimed at resource extraction are ... : " BEIJING , China — China has slammed claims that its burgeoning foreign aid to Africa is driven by its interest in the impoverished continent's rich natural resources. It says China helps poorer countries out of solidarity. Vice Commerce Minister Fu ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

Cross-strait traditional Chinese medicine meeting held in Taipei

Cross-strait traditional Chinese medicine meeting held in Taipei : " Taipei , April 26 (CNA) Participants in a cross-Taiwan Strait traditional Chinese medicine meeting said on Tuesday that the two sides of the strait have cooperated on scientific research into Chinese medicine for many years and looking ahead, ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English

China to alleviate poverty in rural areas

China to alleviate poverty in rural areas : "BEIJING - China on Tuesday vowed to intensify efforts to alleviate poverty in rural areas in the next 10 years, in a bid to improve people's livelihood and ... 日本(Japan) | 中国 (China) 한국 (Korea) | ราชอาณาจักรไทย (Thailand) Malaysia | Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) AU - ASIA | English